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Advanced Reading Concepts - Speed Reading Plus

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Speed Reading Classes

February 2025

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Advanced Reading Concepts

(888) 524-0012 | (614) 486-2473
Fax (614)486-7455
1826 Glenn Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 www.arcspeedreading.com





For Our Speed Reading Graduates: 
The WIIFM Stick;- "What's In It For Me" Review

To provide our clients and graduates with the best possible support as they develop and use their new skills as speedreaders, we have developed a refresher course on a flash drive.  We are calling it the Advanced Reading Concepts WIIFM Stick͊ because we spent a lot of time in class having you decide "What's͊ In It For Me". When you read something  there is a lot in here for you!

Only $24.95!

This memory stick is available to all graduates of our programs, whether you took the course through your workplace, during a summer school program, or here at our facilities. This tool will be invaluable for reminding you of the key elements of speedreading, and will also provide you with practice materials so you can maintain your increased speed and comprehension.

Included on the WIIFM Stick are electronic copies of our eye charts, which you can download for use on your computer as well as for printing them out. You will also find articles, with recall patterns and tests, for practice in using the techniques you learned in class. To refresh your memory of those methods, Power Point files review visual and comprehension techniques from the course and provide some helpful reminders and definitions. We have also included a licensed timer for your computer from CountDown to make practice easier.

If you would like one, just fill out the order form below and mail, fax or call us with the information. Or use the secure registration link on the form to email your credit card information.

We hope you are doing well with the Speedreading Plus skills you learned, and wish you success in your future endeavors. Please let us know how you are doing!

Order on-line below or print and mail/fax in the Order Form.


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(Last 3 digits on back of card or use 4 digits on front for American Express)
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Please process a One-Time Payment in the amount of:    $24.95 

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